

LED Growing Light Strip植物生长专用软灯带

LED植物灯简介 - LED Growing Light Introduction
LED植物灯大约在1980年由NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration美国国家航空暨太空总署)开始研究及实验,发现使用LED植物灯比使用传统光源型式的植物灯有更多的优势。
(1)       更节能
(2)       寿命更长
(3)       植物生长所需波长控制的更精准与集中。
近年来植物工厂的大量兴起,让植物灯的成本进一步的降低,使LED植物灯能更普及到个人 / 家庭中。
Since 1980, NASA started studying and experimenting with Light-Emitting diodes (LEDs) for growing plants, and found it is with a variety of advantages compared with traditional light sources.
(1) Energy saving
(2) Durability & long lifetime
(3) The option to select specific spectrum for plant’s growing can be more easily, precisely controlled and concentrated.
The plant factories have sprung up recently – decreasing cost is required more which makes the LEDs Growing Light have gained popularity in the offices and families.
众所周知,植物离不开阳光、空气、水 ,可见光的颜色(光谱) 为红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛蓝、紫,但植物只需400nm-700nm波长行光和作用,同时此波段也提供植物所需的有效能量。
Everyone knows that the plants need sunlight, water, and air (carbon dioxide) so photosynthesis can take place. The visible light spectrum emits light in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet colors.  However, plants use wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers (nm) for photosynthesis, which provides for all the energy needs of the plants.
昕炜达科技LED植物灯带的做法是选用大多数植物行光合作用所需要的 蓝光(450nm) 与 红光(660nm) 两种波长混合后呈现粉红色的光,并藉由封装制程所作的植物灯条。根据一家日本公司提出的实验结果(如图示),蓝光波段在400nm ~ 500nm, 特别在(450nm)波长时,在植物初期生长阶段时可帮助发芽及强化光合作用,红光波段在 640nm ~700nm, 在660nm波长时可帮助植物茎部生长,开花及制造叶绿素。红光也被称为暖光,特别在日照不足的秋、冬二个季节,红光对植物的助益更为显著。 运用LED植物软灯条并开发DIY植物盆栽。
New-Wonder Technology adopts combination Blue and Red light for making LED Growing Strip by sealing process, which appears to be Pink Light.
According to the graph launched from one of Japan industry shown as below: The Blue spectrum region around 400nm ~ 500nm, the wavelength of 450nm encourage seedlings and intense photosynthesis during the early phases of plant growth through starting. The Red spectrum region around 640nm ~ 700nm, the wavelength of 660nm encourage stem growth, flowering and fruit production, and chlorophyll production. The red wavelengths are known as warm light and they are naturally more prevalent in sunlight during the shorter days of fall and winter.
It was thanks to LED growing strip that New Wonder Technology could develop DIY growing plant.
LED Stripe Growing light is just an auxiliary tool, which can be helpful for resolving the plant’s growing for the persons, who enjoy seeing the green plant, while living in the cement-forest under shortage of sun-shining.